Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just one of the many reasons Meg Whitman is an idiot.

This is my rant for today on why I am not voting for Meg Whitman. I was on her website recently trying to find out more about her stance on education, this is all I found...

Direct from the horse(face)'s mouth:

“If you send me to Sacramento, I’ll put more control in the hands of local educators and parents. I’ll grade our schools “A” through “F” and put the results on line so parents can easily determine how their schools are doing. I’ll give parents the ability to move their children out of failing schools..."

If she knew ANYTHING about how our schools are run and funded in CA, she might know that this would cause major problems to already failing schools.

1. Not all parents have the availability to move their children to a different school, even if its bad.
2. School's recieve money for improvements and in general based on the number of kids. Less kids=less cash.
3. Taking a school that is failing, publicly grading it and removing children only creats a bigger dent in our society because children that cannot move will be hurt by the lack of funding created by the debt in school enrollment. Even if these kids are A+ students...
4. Communities around the area will suffer, less schools, less jobs, less reputation, less growth, etc.
5. Other schools will become even more overcrowded than they are now.
6. You will need more teachers and buildings in the crowded schools, are you going to transfer the teachers from the old school? Aren't they the reason it failed in the first place?
7. Kids will not get a proper education due to income level, which tends to fall in line with failing schools. We are already 46th in the country, are we aiming for 50th?
8. Where are you planning on getting the funding for these new projects?
9. Not everyone has the money to put their kid in a private school or home school.
10. Instead of helping schools to close, I'd like my governor to actively try to make them better.

Ok I aimed for 10 but here is another:
11. Schools will begin to add "better" rated children to their classes to try to get an overall better score and the academics will be divided in the school or misadministered (take Rocklin Elem for example).

Meg Whitman is only going to grade them, grade....her....the woman who was allegedy swindled by her housekeeper for NINE years, really Meg?

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